Species Details

@MSH Sourav (TU Dresden, Germany);

Brahminy Kite Did you see this animal?

Scientific Name : Haliastur indus
Family : Accipitridae
Order : Accipitriformes
Class : Aves
Phylum : Chordata
Habitat : Villages
Description : Brahminy Kite is a bright chestnut raptor with a white head and breast and a rounded tail.It is entirely rich chestnut with a white head,breast and a rounded tail.It got a bluish bill,brown iris and dull yellow legs and feet.Both sexes look alike and juvenile is entirely brown in color. They are found mainly on the coast and in inland wetlands, where they feed on dead fish and other prey. Adults have a reddish-brown body plumage contrasting with their white head and breast which make them easy to distinguish from other birds of prey.
Distribution in Bangladesh
description written by:Hajbun Tasnim Preety,Department of Zoology, University of Dhaka;information source: Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh, Vol-26, iucnredlist.org;Photo credit and copyright:MSH Sourav (TU Dresden, Germany);taxonomic checklist:P. M. Thompson and S. U. Chowdhury (2020). A checklist of birds of Bangladesh.Birds Bangladesh;bird song owner:Dhruba Saikia(www.xeno-canto.org/Dhruba Saikia), bird sound copyright reserved according to www.xeno-canto.org rules; more information, please contact us.