@Syed Abbas (Birdwing,Bangladesh);
Scientific Name : Caprimulgus affinis
Family : Caprimulgidae
Order : Caprimulgiformes
Class : Aves
Phylum : Chordata
Other Name : Franklin's Nightjar
Habitat : All kind of forests
Description : The Savanna Nightjar is a dark brownish-grey night bird with a broken white throat-band (adult bird length approximately 25 cm, wing 19 cm, bill 2 cm, tarsus 2 cm, tail 11.5 cm). The male looks dark brownish-grey. It has a brownish-black bill. It feeds on flying beetles, moths and other night-flying insects. It is more active at dawn and dusk. It breeds in March-August.
Distribution in Bangladesh
description written by:Fatema-Tuz-Zohora,Department of Zoology, Jagannath University,Dhaka;information source: Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh, Vol-26, iucnredlist.org;Photo credit and copyright:Syed Abbas (Birdwing,Bangladesh);taxonomic checklist:P. M. Thompson and S. U. Chowdhury (2020). A checklist of birds of Bangladesh.Birds Bangladesh;bird song owner:Peter Boesman(www.xeno-canto.org/Peter Boesman), bird sound copyright reserved according to www.xeno-canto.org rules; more information, please contact us.