Species Details

@MSH Sourav (TU Dresden, Germany);

Black‑headed Ibis Did you see this animal?

Scientific Name : Threskiornis melanocephalus
Family : Threskiornithidae
Order : Pelecaniformes
Class : Aves
Phylum : Chordata
Other Name : White Ibis, Oriental White Ibis
Habitat : Coast and wetlands
Description : The black-headed ibis is a large waterbird found in South and Southeast Asia. It has a white plumage, a black neck and head, and a down-curved black beak. During breeding, the tail feathers turn black, and the bare patches under the wings become blood-red. Juveniles have greyish feathers on the neck and speckled brown-grey feathers on the wings and back. The black-headed ibis lacks a true voice-producing mechanism and is mostly silent, except for ventriloquistic grunts uttered by nesting pairs. It nests in heronry colonies near wetlands. It builds a platform nest of sticks, lined with grass and threads.
Distribution in Bangladesh
description written by:Fatema-Tuz-Zohora,Department of Zoology, Jagannath University,Dhaka;information source: Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh, Vol-26, iucnredlist.org;Photo credit and copyright:MSH Sourav (TU Dresden, Germany);taxonomic checklist:P. M. Thompson and S. U. Chowdhury (2020). A checklist of birds of Bangladesh.Birds Bangladesh;bird song owner:Sudipto Roy(www.xeno-canto.org/Sudipto Roy), bird sound copyright reserved according to www.xeno-canto.org rules; more information, please contact us.