Scientific Name : Anthus godlewskii
Family : Motacillidae
Order : Passeriformes
Class : Aves
Phylum : Chordata
Habitat : Grasslands
Description : The Tawny Pipit is a faintly streaked, sandy-grey, small terrestrial passerine with a long tail (length 15 cm, weight 20 g, wing 9 cm, bill 2 cm, tarsus 2.6 cm, tail 6.7 cm approximately). It looks entirely sandy-grey. The sandy grey back is faintly streaked, the wing is brown with pale fringes to the feathers, with black-centred median coverts, and white outer tail feathers. It has a prominent creamy square ended supercilium and dark lores. The underparts are pale buffy-white with a little feint streaking on the breast. The bill is bicolured: a dark brown upper mandible and pinkish-flesh lower mandible. It has dark brown irises, yellowish-flesh legs and feet, and dusky claws. It feeds on insects and seeds, and often wags it tail while foraging. It breeds in central Asia in April-August and nests in natural depressions on the ground or a tuft of grass.
Distribution in Bangladesh
description written by:Sharmin Rahman,Department of Zoology, Jagannath University,Dhaka;information source: Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh, Vol-26,;taxonomic checklist:P. M. Thompson and S. U. Chowdhury (2020). A checklist of birds of Bangladesh.Birds Bangladesh;photo credit: Andreas Trepte ( Trepte ),photo shared from iNaturalist, photo copyright reserved according to iNaturalist rules;James Lidstermore information, please contact us.