Species Details

@Syed Abbas,Birdwing,Bangladesh

Dark Evening Brown Did you see this animal?

Scientific Name : Melanitis phedima
Family : Satyridae
Order : Lepidoptera
Class : Insecta
Phylum : Arthropoda
Habitat : All types of wildlife habitat
Description : This butterfly species has two seasonal forms: wet-season and dry-season. In the wet-season form, the male has dusky fuliginous-brown upperside with slightly angled forewings and a subcostal ochreous patch before the apex. The hindwings are unmarked. The undersides are dark purpurescent-brown with ochreous-cinereous strigae and four small white-pupilled ocelli on the forewing, and a series of six submarginal prominent ocelli on the hindwing. The female in the wet-season form has paler upperside with broader angled forewings and a round black spot with white pupil on the apical area of the forewing.

In the dry-season form, the male has deeper dusky-brown upperside with a purpurescent tint and thickly speckled outer borders. The forewing has a rich ochreous apical patch, and the hindwings are unmarked with a prolonged tail. The undersides are densely purpurescent-brown or purpurescent olive-brown with smaller and ill-defined ocelloid spots. The female in the dry-season form has paler upperside with a rich ochreous apical patch on the forewing and one or two posterior submarginal white dots on the hindwing.

Overall, these butterflies display distinct color variations and patterns between their wet-season and dry-season forms, as well as differences between males and females.
Distribution in Bangladesh
description written by:Zarin Tasnim,Department of Zoology,University of Dhaka;information source:IUCN Red List Bangladesh-2015, www.nic.funet.fi;photo credit & copyright: Syed Abbasmore information please contact with us.