Species Details


Eyed Cat Snake Did you see this animal?

Scientific Name : Boiga siamensis
Family : Colubridae
Order : Squamata
Class : Reptilia
Phylum : Chordata
Habitat : Forest
Description : Eye cat snake is a slender and elongated snake, with an average length of 1 to 1.5 meters. Its head is slightly flattened and broader than the neck, with large eyes and round pupils. The coloration of the body varies from brown to grey, with darker crossbands that run diagonally across the back.
Eye cat snake is primarily arboreal and is active mainly at night. It is a solitary snake and is generally non-aggressive towards humans.
These snakes feed primarily on small mammals, birds, lizards, and frogs. They are known to be agile climbers and can hunt in trees.
The venom this snake siamensis is mild and not considered dangerous to humans. However, it can cause local swelling and pain, along with some other symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.
It is found in a variety of habitats, including primary and secondary forests, mangrove swamps, agricultural fields, and suburban areas. They are often found near water sources like streams and ponds.
Distribution in Bangladesh
description written by: Razia Sultana Setu,Department of Zoology,University of Dhaka ; information source:Wikipedia, IUCN Red List Bangladesh Volume-4 2015; photo credit:Rushenb(wikimedia.org), photo copyright:wikimedia.org. more information please contact with us.