Species Details

@Syed Abbas,Birdwing,Bangladesh

Clipper Did you see this animal?

Scientific Name : Parthenos sylvia
Family : Nymphalidae
Order : Lepidoptera
Class : Insecta
Phylum : Arthropoda
Habitat : All types of wildlife habitat
Description : The upperside of the Clipper is mostly black with black or grey-bluish spots and strips. The wings are distinctive, as they have long transversal bands that cross over the body. The forewing has around 7 wide white spots, absent in the hindwing. The underside has a similar pattern, but has a brown-grey general colour, rather than black.
Distribution in Bangladesh
description written by:Shahtaj Islam Sakaal,Department of Zoology,University of Dhaka;information source:IUCN Red List Bangladesh-2015, www.cambridgebutterfly.com;photo credit & copyright: Syed Abbasmore information please contact with us.