Species Details

@Rahman,A.K.A. (www.fishbase.se)

Sylhet Hara Did you see this animal?

Scientific Name : Hara jerdoni
Family : Erethistidae
Order : Silurifirmes
Class : Actinopterygii
Phylum : Chordata
Other Name :  Asian Stone Catfish,Dwarf Anchor Catfish
Habitat : Hill streams,Rivers,Ponds
Description : Sylhet hara is a small and thin bodied fish with a pair of barbels.They have very long pectoral spines that reaches almost the entire length.Distal margin of the fins are slightly scalloped.Body is covered with lumps and has brown mottled patterns that can change to blend with surroundings.Caudal fin is forked and both caudal and anal fins have alternating dark and light bands.
Distribution in Bangladesh
description written by: Shahtaj Islam Sakaal, Department of Zoology,Universityof Dhaka; Information sources: www.badmanstropicalfish.com,Encyclopedia of flora and fauna of Bangladesh(volume 23).photo credit and copyright:Rahman,A.K.A,www.fishbase.se. more information please contact with us.