Species Details

@Hossain, Mostafa A. R. (www.fishbase.de)

Chaguni Did you see this animal?

Scientific Name : Chagunius chagunio
Family : Cyprinidae
Order : Cypriniformes
Class : Actinopterygii
Phylum : Chordata
Other Name : Medium Carp
Habitat : Rivers
Description : Chaguni fish has an elongated body with a flattened head that has flat sides. Its mouth is narrow and located underneath its snout, which sticks out a bit. It has two pairs of whisker-like barbels, which are longer than its eyes. Speaking of eyes, they're positioned high up on its head. It's covered in small scales, and its lateral line consists of about 44-47 scales.

Now, let's talk about its appearance:

The body is silvery with a pinkish tint, and its fins have a reddish hue with light edges. The apex of its dorsal fin is black, which is the fin on its back. The pelvic and anal fins also have a touch of red.
When it comes to measurements, the head is about 3.4-3.6 times the size of its body's standard length (a typical fish measurement), and 4.4-4.7 times the size of its total length.
Its body height is approximately 3.2-3.7 times its standard length and 4.2-4.8 times its total length.
The eye size is about 4.0-5.6 times the size of its head.
The space between its eyes (interorbital) ranges from 1.3-2.0 times the size of its head.
Now, for its fins:

It has 11 dorsal fin rays, with 3 in the front part and 8 in the back.
The pectoral fin usually has 15 rays.
There are 9 rays in its pelvic fin.
The anal fin typically has 8 rays, with 3 in the front part and 5 in the back.
This fish can grow up to a maximum length of about 30 cm. You can find it in large rivers with rocky bottoms, clear and fast-moving water, and little to no vegetation. Adults prefer areas with strong currents. This species is fairly common in streams in places like Dinajpur, Rangpur, Mymensingh, Sylhet, and the Chittagong hill tracts. In India, it can be found in the Brahmaputra river and Ganga drainages along the Himalayan foothills.

In males, you can spot nuptial tubercles, which are growths on their snout and cheeks. The last two fin rays are elongated and reach the base of the caudal fin.
Distribution in Bangladesh
description written by: Zarin Tasnim, Department of Zoology,Universityof Dhaka; Information sources: www.fishbase.in, Encyclopedia of flora and fauna of Bangladesh(volume 23).photo credit and copyright:Hossain, Mostafa A. R. ([email protected]).www.fishbase.de. more information please contact with us.