Species Details


Oligodon cyclurus

Cantor’s Kukri Snake Did you see this animal?

Scientific Name : Oligodon cyclurus
Family : Colubridae
Order : Squamata
Class : Reptilia
Phylum : Chordata
Habitat : Forests,caves,termite mounds,tree holes
Description : Adults typically measure between 35 to 70 cm (14 to 28 in) in length. The snake has a distinctive color pattern consisting of a black or dark brown dorsal stripe that runs down the length of the body, flanked by two lighter-colored stripes on either side. The head is relatively small and narrow, with a distinct pointed snout.
The eyes are relatively large and have a round pupil. The snake has smooth scales and a relatively slender body shape.
Cantor's Kukri Snake is considered mildly venomous, but the venom is not considered to be dangerous to humans.
The snake feeds mainly on lizards and small rodents.The snake is found in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and agricultural areas. Cantor's Kukri Snake is primarily active at night and is generally considered to be a shy and non-aggressive species.
Distribution in Bangladesh
description written by: Shahtaj Islam Sakaal,Department of Zoology,University of Dhaka ; information source:IUCN Red List Bangladesh-2015,www.indiabiodiversity.org; photo credit:wikimedia.org, photo copyright: wikimedia.org. more information please contact with us.