Species Details

@Ahmed Jamil,Bangladesh

Redbreast Jezebel Did you see this animal?

Scientific Name : Delias acalis
Family : Pieridae
Order : Lepidoptera
Class : Insecta
Phylum : Arthropoda
Habitat : All types of wildlife habitat
Description : Wings upperside black with grey-white diffuse spots,hindwings have a red area and yellow area, the latter closer to the edge, with strong black veins. On the upper side of the forewing, the white spot at the apex of the cell is replaced by two gray-scaled spots, one above and one below, crossing the black discocellulars. The postdiscal hastate spots are now broad gray streaks, shifted with the streak in interspace 3 inward. In the male, the subbasal gray streaks in interspaces 1 and 2 and in the cell extend further. The hindwing is black with a deep vermilion basal area up to the middle of the cell, crossed by black veins. Interspaces la, 1, and posterior part of 2 are densely powdered with gray-white scales. Interspace 2 is bright yellow, while 3 to 8 have broad gray streaks not reaching the termen; female has similar features but broader yellow streaks extending further. Underside resembles upperside, with paler gray markings. The basal vermilion patch on hindwing extends to the base of the dorsal margin. An ochraceous spot is present at the humeral angle. Streaks in interspaces 1 to 8 are yellow, fading anteriorly to yellowish white. Black veins have triangular extensions at their apices, forming an irregular terminal black margin.
Distribution in Bangladesh
description written by:Zarin Tasnim,Department of Zoology,University of Dhaka;information source:IUCN Red List Bangladesh-2015, www.archive.orgphoto credit & copyright: Ahmed Jamil,Bangladesh.more information please contact with us.