Species Details

@Syed Abbas,Birdwing,Bangladesh

Common Albatross Did you see this animal?

Scientific Name : Appias albina
Family : Pieridae
Order : Lepidoptera
Class : Insecta
Phylum : Arthropoda
Habitat : Forests & garden
Description : Wet-season form:

Male upper forewings have sprinkled black scales at apex and termen, less dense than A. paulina.
Underside: forewing apex and hindwing surface pale ochraceous, sometimes faintly pinkish, not pale yellow like A. paulina.
Females have two forms:
Upperside: black area on forewing's tornal portion is straight, not rounded; undersides resemble A. paulina's dry-season form but with narrower irregular black band.
Upperside: entirely pale yellow, undersides with pale sulphur yellow apical half of forewing cell and disc, oblique black band as in 1st form, rest of forewing and hindwing rich chrome yellow.
Dry-season form:

Similar to wet-season but males have less black scaling on upperside, and ochraceous coloring is paler on underside.
Female dimorphs resemble wet-season form with slightly narrower black markings on upperside and narrower black band on underside.
Wingspan: 60–74 mm.
Found in Sikkim up to 4,000 feet, Bengal, western and southern India, extending into north-eastern India, Burma, and Malay Peninsula.
Distribution in Bangladesh
description written by:Zarin Tasnim,Department of Zoology,University of Dhaka;information source:IUCN Red List Bangladesh-2015, www.nic.funet.fi;photo credit & copyright: Syed Abbas,Birdwing,Bangladesh.more information please contact with us.