Species Details

@Avrajjal Ghosh

Chiromantis simus

Annandale’s Pigmy Tree Frog Did you see this animal?

Scientific Name : Chiromantis simus
Family : Rhacophoridae
Order : Anura
Class : Amphibia
Phylum : Chordata
Other Name : Annandale’s Pigmy Tree Frog
Habitat : Forests
Description : It is a small frog, typically measuring around 3-4 centimeters in length. It has a distinctive appearance, with a brown or grayish-brown body covered in dark brown or black stripes. Its skin is bumpy and rough, which helps it to blend in with its surroundings. Its eyes are large and bulging, with vertical pupils.

This frog is primarily found in rainforests, but can also be found in other types of forests, as well as near rivers and streams. It prefers to live on the forest floor, where it can hide among leaves and other debris.

It is a nocturnal frog, meaning it is most active at night. During the day, it spends most of its time hiding in the leaf litter. When threatened, it can inflate its body and make a loud hissing noise to scare away predators. It is also capable of changing color to match its surroundings, which helps it to blend in and avoid detection.

This frog is a carnivorous species, feeding on a variety of small insects and other invertebrates. It is known to eat beetles, ants, and termites, among other things.

During the breeding season, which typically occurs during the rainy season, males will call out to attract females. Once a female has been attracted, the male will grasp onto her back and fertilize her eggs as she lays them. The eggs are then left to develop on their own, with no parental care provided.

This frog is not currently listed as a threatened species, although it is likely to be impacted by habitat loss and degradation, as well as other environmental factors such as climate change. However, more research is needed to fully understand the population dynamics and conservation status of this species.
Distribution in Bangladesh
description written by: Md. Shalauddin, Department of Zoology, Jagannath University, Dhaka. Information sources: IUCN Red List Bangladesh-2015, Hasan 2014, Khan 2018 (Photographic guide to the wildlife of Bangladesh).photo credit:Avrajjal Ghosh(www.inaturalist.org/people/Avrajjal Ghosh),photo copyright: iNaturalist. more information please contact with us