Species Details

@Syed Abbas,Birdwing,Bangladesh

Matapa sasivarna

Black-veined Branded Redeye Did you see this animal?

Scientific Name : Matapa sasivarna
Family : Hesperiidae
Order : Lepidoptera
Class : Insecta
Phylum : Arthropoda
Habitat : Forest and plain lands
Description : Upperside is dark brown. Male's forewings have short deep grey to white streaks .Hindwing is orange-yellow. Underside is dark brown.Females are similar to males but without the greyish white streak.
Distribution in Bangladesh
description written by:Hajbun Tasnim Preety,Department of Zoology,University of Dhaka;information source:IUCN Red List Bangladesh-2015, http://www.ifoundbutterflies.org/sp/1161/Matapa-sasivarnaphoto credit & copyright: Syed Abbasmore information please contact with us.